Friday, November 15, 2013

Seed Update #5

Our plants have developed anatomical features such as seeds and nodes.  Nodes are the part of the plant from which one or more leaves emerge.  Eventually, the seeds from the bean plants will fall into the ground and form new plants.  The reproduction of new plants can contribute to their increase in numbers.  This can happen if the plants release seeds and they land in the soil. Some factors that can limit the number of bean plants that grow in each garden box are water, sunlight, soil, and space in the garden box.  An excess amount of sunlight and water can affect the rate of growth of the plants.  As well as dry out the soil and cause the soil to lose its nutrients.  The sunlight can dry out the plants or cause them to wilt t if there isn't enough water to support their needs.  Too much water can cause the plants to drown and eventually cause them to die.  I predict that the carrying capacity of the bean plants in a garden box is between 150 and 200 plants.

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